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La tua Vacanza Eco-Sostenibile in Barca a Vela o in Catamarano

Eco-Sustainable Vacation means a vacation that pays special attention to the relationship between man and nature, through the adoption of behaviors aimed at respecting the place and the environment one visits. What increasingly binds people to take environmentally sustainable vacations is the realization that our planet will not last forever if we continue to make indiscriminate use of its resources.
From this premise every year more and more tourists choose to spend their moments of leisure in full harmony and respect with the environment. This new philosophy of understanding the “Journey” will be the lifeblood of a tourism that over the years will be increasingly attentive and responsible. Your Eco-Sustainable Vacation on a Sailboat or Catamaran

Sailboat: the "Green" holiday par excellence

The choice of a sailboat represents one of the most environmentally friendly forms of vacation that most favor its protection .

It allows us to get in tune with one of the most powerful and fascinating forces of nature: the Wind . Preferring sailing, rather than using the engine, will ensure that consumption during the holiday is significantly reduced or completely eliminated, compared to a traditional stay in an accommodation facility.

In addition, during life on board we learn to have a more conscious management of resources , such as using fresh water sparingly, avoiding the use of single-use plastic and understanding those behaviors that we usually do not give weight to in everyone’s life. days ashore.

This context allows to create an indissoluble bond between man and nature, entering into full harmony with each other.

Your Eco-Sustainable Vacation on a Sailboat

Book your holiday with Abruzzo Skipper

Choose from our offerings a weekend or week on a Sailing Boat or Catamaran.

You can discover the unspoiled charm of the Tremiti Islands or the wild nature of the Croatian Islands, respecting nature and biodiversity.