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Conditions of Sale

1. Reservation and payment

Boat reservations can be made through our website, by e-mail, by phone or in person at our offices. The rental/rental service can only be carried out after payment adjusted as follows:

– For the daily experiences: 100% upon booking;
– For
experiences lasting more than 1 day
: 50% at booking and 50% at 30 days before departure.

1.1 Boarding to Passenger

For experiences with passenger boarding aboard the twin Maxi Rib boats “Cristina” and “Lidia” and “Paco II” , departure will be confirmed only upon reaching the minimum number of 10 passengers up to a maximum of 12.

For organizational reasons, the charterer once the maximum number of passengers on one Maxi Rib boat is reached will fill the second boat.

In the event that the minimum number for departure is not reached, the renter agrees to:

1. Ensuring that the experience is carried out on the same day on another boat of the same or higher quality category if available;

2. Move and postpone the date of the experience in the days to follow respecting the availability calendar to be agreed with the office;

3. Issue a value voucher with a validity of 24 months corresponding to the amount paid, transferable and expendable with any experience proposed by the undersigned company.

Should the number of boarded passengers be less than the number of booked passengers, there is no refund for those not present at boarding.

2. Routes and routes

he experience schedule may vary daily at the discretion of the Skipper based on Marine Weather conditions or other navigational or mooring needs. To protect the safety of navigation, Elite Travels and Cruisers s.r.l, will in no way be responsible for schedule changes, stopovers, loss of time and/or interruptions resulting from initiatives or decisions made by the Skipper, especially due to adverse weather conditions. Based on marine weather reports, the Owner reserves the power to decide whether or not to depart the vessel. If the departure is confirmed and the lessor/renter independently refuses not to leave, the latter will not have the right to a refund.

3. Termination of the Rental/Lease

In the case of withdrawal by the renter/lessee the latter will not be entitled to a refund (either in cash or in the form of a voucher).

4. Responsibilities of the Hirer/Landlord

Elite Travels & Cruisers S.r.l. undertakes to provide guests with the boat in perfect clean and efficient condition, in compliance with current regulations and complete with all safety equipment required for the type of navigation that will be carried out.

If the trip cannot be made for exceptional reasons related to mechanical failure of the boat, it agrees to refund the full amount received. Elite Travels & Cruisers S.r.l. declares that it has taken out the legal insurances.

5. Responsibilities of the Hirer/Lessee

During the period of the charter or lease, the charterer/lessee will undertake to use the boat with respect and care, respecting the directions given. Any damage done by the latter to the boat will be quantified and charged to the latter.

6. Cancellation Due to Bad Weather

In case of adverse Marine Weather conditions Elite Travels & Cruisers s.r.l. for the daily experiences commits to:

1. Move and postpone the date of the experience in the days to follow respecting the availability calendar to be agreed with the office;

2. Issue a value voucher with a validity of 24 months corresponding to the amount paid, transferable and expendable with any experience proposed by the undersigned company.

For the experiences lasting more than 1 day, if marine weather conditions do not permit departure on time, boarding is still guaranteed. You will wait on board the boat itself, taking advantage of all included services, for conditions to improve so that you can set sail. Usually, the time required for weather conditions to improve is not more than 36h.

Reason being, no refund is provided, as this contract refers to the chartering of the boat and not the tour.

In the event that, the booked experience includes a transfer to reach the port of embarkation and also ‘it is impossible due to unfavorable weather conditions, it will be the responsibility of the undersigned agency, while waiting to be able to set sail, to arrange alternative accommodation for the night at an accommodation facility or alternatively, on board a vessel of a higher class.

7. Treatment of Data

The data provided will be stored and processed by Elite Travels & Cruisers s.r.l. (as the data controller) exclusively for contractual and accounting purposes, in full compliance with the Code on the Protection of Personal Data pursuant to European Regulation 679/2016.